Community Facilities

Find local facilities such as village halls and other spaces for hire or community use:

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Adstock Village Hall

The village hall is available for hire and also hosts events such as quiz nights.

For bookings please contact Alison Walker on 01296 713397 |


Akeley Village Hall

The village hall provides excellent facilities, with a 127 square metre main hall, entrance area, toilets, a well-equipped kitchen and a separate storage room. It is available for hire and detailed information can be found on the website.

Sherri Holland, | 07756 830357

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Calvert Green Village Hall

Calvert Green

The village hall is currently closed. Please use the link below to find out more information on the hall's development.

East and Botolph Claydon Village Hall

East and Botolph Claydon Village Hall

East and Botolph Claydon

The village hall is available to hire and hosts a number of regular local clubs. Please contact Gary Baldwin on the number below or visit the website.

01296 712706 |


The Centre

Verney Close, Buckingham

Buckingham Parish Church is passionate about being actively involved in the community and The Centre is one of the most exciting developments in recent years. Located in the Buckingham Town Centre it allows for the development of current community outreach activities as well as opening opportunities for new ones.

The building is also being used by other groups who share the vision for making The Centre a place of warmth, compassion and friendship: helping to build a caring and supportive community