Services for Older People

If you are an older person in Buckingham looking for activities you can get involved in or specific support please take a look at what is on offer below:


Age Concern Buckingham and District

We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life and also protect the long-term interests of future generations. We work to ensure that as you grow older, wherever you live, however much money you have, however tough life is, you will have access to comfort and company, to care and support, and to a life worth living.

Tel  01280 813100 | Email:

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Alzheimer's Society

Aylesbury and Buckingham

For people with Dementia and their carers, family and friends. Dementia support workers offer information and practical guidance

CALL 01296 331749

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Buckingham and District Stroke Support Group

Options, Well Street, Unit 1-3, 62-63 Well Street

Stroke clubs and groups provide essential long-term peer support to stroke survivors, carers, family and friends. They provide an opportunity for those who have been affected by stroke to rediscover previous skills, learn new skills, regain confidence, increase independence and socialise with other individuals who have had similar experiences.



Buckingham University of the Third Age

Various locations

With over 800 members and around 80 interest groups U3A has an Open Meeting on the 4th Wednesday of each month.

There is no lower age limit for membership, the main criteria being that members are retired or are in part time work. One in four of the UK population is in the Third Age. Currently there are more than 886 U3As throughout the United Kingdom with membership circa 300,000.

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Community Care North Bucks

CCNB is an umbrella organisation that incorporates four autonomous services:

  • YC2 Young Carers Youth Club

  • Adult Carers Support Group

  • Open House

  • Hospital Car Service

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Salvation Army Coffee Morning

Moreton Road, Buckingham

The Buckingham Salvation Army hosts a coffee morning every Tuesday from 10.00am to 12.00pm.